Sunday, April 13, 2008

Sneak Peak of the newest piece of jewelry

This is a sneak peak at my newest creation I am so proud of so far. It has taken me between life and work since last November I started it and the idea. I cant wait to finish it and do the pendant. It will have the lava chunk that you see as the center piece to the whole necklace. It was a great find at a great little bead store I know of. I hope you all like what you see so far. And keep an eye out for the finished product which is soon to come. It will be posted on my etsy site so make sure you take a look. The link is on the right side scroll down. ~


Beverly Herman said...

That is a beautiful combination. The lava chuck will be a wonderful focal point.

Dawn N said...

Your piece is going to be striking when it's complete. I can't wait to see the finished product. I love the idea of using the lava.

Unknown said...

oh i like that!!! looking forward to seeing the finished piece!!! :-)